"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." Mt. 28:19

Hi everyone!

This blog is to help keep everyone updated about my life here in Germany! As most of you know, I am living in southern Germany, serving as a Resident Assistant at an international high school called Black Forest Academy for missionary kids for 2 years! I currently live in Wittlingen Dorm with about 20 high school girls, encouraging, mentoring, and discipling them in the Lord. Since my senior year in high school, I have felt that God has called me to minister to high schoolers and am so excited that I am living that out. I absolutely love what I do! Love my girls and love what God is doing here!

If you’d like to find out about a bit more about the school BFA or the mission organization TeachBeyond, feel free to check out the websites: www.bfacademy.com and www.teachbeyond.org

Monday, October 24, 2011

HBR Pranking

A few weeks ago, when the juniors had gotten back from their trip to Normandy and while the seniors were still away on their senior trip to Italy, the juniors had the seniors' privileges for a week, which generally includes staying up later in pranking.  Well, the juniors wasted no time and decided to use their privilege of pranking on a fellow guy's dorm called HBR (Haus Bad Riedlingen, sp?).  So at about 1:30am, Emily, Amy, and I drove across town with 8 anxious juniors to play a joke.  The girls wrote fun, odd things in mustard all over the kitchen tables, soaked their silverware in apfelschorle and honey, opened the windows so when they woke up in the morning they would all be freezing, wrote WITT on their computers, wrote their names in what accidentally happened to be permanent marker on their refrigerators (big oops!! I think it ended up coming off after much scrubbing), put up pictures of themselves all over the 1st floor, stole their juice and video games, toilet papered their vans and nearby play set, and stole their infamous HBR flag. It was awesome! The boys definitely woke up to quite a surprise. :)

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